Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gay Marriage in New York

First, let me say that I'm grinning from ear-to-ear.  It's about damn time!

Okay, now, let me ask some questions of my own.  One: Why is homosexuality immoral?  Because of the Bible?  Well, according to the Bible, so is divorce, eating shrimp, working on the Sabbath and wearing cloths of two different weaves.  According to the Bible, I could sell my daughter into slavery and have a clear conscience.  You have every right to believe that homosexuality is wrong, but at least have the balls to admit that you are picking and choosing.

Two: When you say you think marriage should be between one man and one woman, why?  Marriage has changed over the centuries.  It used to be all but slavery for women, it used to be illegal for a mixed-race couple to marry.  It's not the same institution it was even a hundred years ago, we change the definition to suit our needs.  Why not now?

Three: My daughter was raised by a tolerant father and an openly bi-sexual mother.  She just graduated from high-school with excellent marks, she is kind and intelligent and caring and a young woman I am very proud to know.  Meanwhile, one of her classmates is a bully who is verbally abusive over stupid things.  This person was raised by a heterosexual couple.  The parents' sexuality has nothing to do with how the kids turn out, it is how the kids are raised.

Four:  Why is a forty-year relationship between a same-sex couple (this is a couple I know personally) less deserving of legal protection than Larry King's ninth marriage?

Five: If God doesn't make mistakes, then why is He making more homosexuals?  You think it's not natural?  Then explain the Humboldt penguins in a German zoo, the male couple that have raised chicks.  You think it's not natural?  Then tell me when you chose to be heterosexual.  What?  You didn't?  Then why would you assume that homosexuals choose their sexuality?

The upshot is, yes.  You have a right to feel that homosexuality is wrong, just as you have a right to think that mixed-race couples are wrong, that smoking or drinking are wrong, watching movies, etc.  You do not, however, have the right to limit my civil rights and my right to protection under the law.  I feel that my own civil rights are rendered less meaningful when they are not extended to everyone.  Can you not extend me the same courtesy?

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